i ran for 'hounded'. I chased people wearing foxes tails through the city streets.
a new use of space, a new way of interacting with the city. A reclamation, of ourselves, of our entertainment, of our bodies, of our cities. For the children that never grew up, we need a playground, the city is our playground. For the kids who played computer games inside when they were kids, we need to get out, the streets are our woods.
A reaction to spoonfed culture, a rejection of consumption of culture. A need to be involved, to heighten our senses, use our bodies, make choices, feel alive, a little danger, make decisions. A real life computer game.
experience. we are all artists. we have leisure time. we have humour.
"there was a sense that Liverpool was being permeated in a fundamental an subtle way" Total Theatre magazine (p.9 vol 23 winter 2011/12) although speaking about a different event in a different city, there is an overall sense of 'getting out of the gallery/venue/pub/theatre'. A need for creative cultures to touch individuals, for individuals to be touched, to make, to share, to participate. Now that we all have free time, that we all have internet access, we are becoming equal and we want equal influence in our real-time worlds as we do online. In the way that a home-made video might 'go viral' on the internet, in the physical world we also want to permeate, to participate, to directly experience and influence.
There is a fundemental shift - we are beyond post-modern, we have become permeable.