Sunday, December 12, 2010

Serruchito - dance film idea

Saw + player
flamenco guitar + player
two dancers
film camera

the plan is for the musicians to play while the dancers do a flamenco inspired game of grandmothers footsteps. quite jerky, creeping round eachother. The music works quite well together - possibly because flamenco is of arabic roots and the saw sounds like wailing singing?!

so sally can play the guitar, i can play the saw, miranda's up for dancing... maybe if rosie is also... or if she can lend us some flamenco dresses... and of course mini-saw corsages... can film it in the catherdral.

why? because it'll be atmospheric and interesting! the dialogues are between the instruments and the music and dancers. between the dancers themselves and the whole with the space.

1 comment:

  1. the idea stemmed from having danced (and clapped) for sally once before. Could do the same and mix the slack rope into it of course - would that work with the length of the skirt? gonna have to try it!
