Friday, November 5, 2010

performance art renaissance

1 comment:

  1. why do they always take their clothes off?

    I liked the arnolfini's recent festival of live art rather a lot. i enjoyed watching people increadibly slowly move towards each other and pull bread off eachothers heads and eat it. One of them nearly vomited. but that;s not the only bit i'll remember. I love that slow moving, building up thing.

    Marina Abramovic talks frequently about the build up, the way her actions charge the space. this is something for me to think about. She's obviously onto something - her performances, the intensity with which she carries out her work makes it increadibly engaging. But i hover still on the 'science' side of the line. and yet i can't see cell division happening. so why do i beleive in it and yet i hesitate to beleive in, well, so many things. re-incarnation, collective conciousness, the ability of meditation to change the world. Prince Charles beleives in crystal healing apparently. i prefer paracetamol.
