Thursday, November 4, 2010

RWA exhibition

I love open exhibitions. The variety is thrilling, I can enjoy an exhibition of one artists work or of complementing (or contrasting) artists but a good variety in an open exhibition to excites me. A dictaphone would have been handy for 'making notes' whilst looking around. Some of the pieces which stay in my memory are a large, heavily textured piece on canvas. some landscapes done with large brushstrokes, almost no detail. Vera's 'drawings' which look like paintings to me. A canvas primed and then painted with something (pva?) which gave it a glossy, white marble like surface which was then drawn into with what looked like a gel pen. Also a 'hyper real' cityscape which i liked for it's intensity of 'cityness' rather than enjoying the painting particularly. There were mesh human forms also. I find that I have more of a 'language' for describing paintings than I do for sculpture. There were a few sculptures that made me think 'hmm, that's the sort of thing that gets commissioned' though I found them rather boring to look at.

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